Your home has been the hot spot for all the cool, entertaining parties this year.
With a big pool, large backyard deck, grass for activities, fancy grill and lots of friends to enjoy in the fun – you’ve had a successfully enjoyable summer. Lots of time has been spent in the backyard and if the chairs could talk, they would have quite the story to tell!
With all the parties and days out in the elements, your tables, chairs, and décor have seen better days. As the winter weather draws near, it is time to pack away your outdoor patio furniture.
Before you do, take some time to clean it up.
This way, when it is time for the outdoor fun to begin again next summer, your furniture will be ready to celebrate the sun’s reappearance too.
Don’t forget to clean a small inconspicuous area first before moving onto a larger one. Wipe those chairs clean of the grime accumulated from being outside all summer, and those patio tables from the spilled food and sediments splashed all over.
Visit SpongeOutlet to put in your order for Eraser Sponges today. These sponges are strong enough to use on nearly any grit, grime or dirt you can think of, without compromising any type of surface. The Eraser Sponge can be used anywhere and leaves no hazardous residue or chemical odor behind. For more information on the Eraser Sponge or any of the high-quality products we offer, contact us online or by calling 877-776-6430.