How to Remove Salt Stains This Winter

Salt can really work wonders in the winter. It can prevent snow from building up on sidewalks and driveways and make roads significantly safer than they would be otherwise. But salt can also wreak havoc on everything from your car to your clothing to the floors inside of your home. To stop salt from becoming a problem, you should remove winter salt stains from these items as soon as you see them. Take a look at how to remove salt stains below.

How to Remove Salt Stains From Your Car

Salt stains on your vehicle will make it look very unattractive. Salt could also potentially cause extensive damage to your vehicle’s paint job if it’s not removed. To get salt stains off of your vehicle, you should take a microfiber towel and dip it into a mixture of water and vinegar before using it to wipe away stains. Microfiber towels are durable enough to get tough stains out but also gentle enough to prevent scratches from showing up on your car.

How to Remove Salt Stains From Your Clothing

During the winter, you should try to wear weather-resistant clothing and shoes. When you do, you will be able to remove salt stains with little more than a microfiber towel and a water/vinegar mix. You can also use an Eraser Sponge with a little bit of water to get the job done. Clothing and footwear that aren’t weather-resistant can be trickier. You will usually have to let the salt dry before wiping it away with a brush, but you should be sure not to let it sit too long since it could damage your clothing or shoes over time.

How to Remove Salt Stains From Your Flooring

Salt can do a lot of damage to flooring in a relatively short period of time. Hardwood floors, in particular, can absorb salt water and show signs of damage quickly. To stop this from happening, you can use a microfiber towel to wipe up any excess salt or salt water that pools on your floor. You can also use an Eraser Sponge to spot treat any stains that set in, especially if you have a tile or linoleum floor. But the key is to get flooring dry right away whenever it’s exposed to salt or salt water from outside. has the products you need to get rid of winter salt stains. From a wide range of Eraser Sponge options to big packs of microfiber towels, we can provide you with exactly what you need to prevent salt from causing you problems. Call us at 877-776-6430 today to place an order!